Mechatronics and Robotics Lab
The research activities carried out within the Mechatronics and Robotics Lab of University of Udine, Italy, led by Prof. Alessandro Gasparetto and Dr. Lorenzo Scalera, concern the topics of dynamic modeling and trajectory planning for mechatronic and robotic systems, collaborative robotics, vibration mechanics, mobile robotics for autonomous mapping and monitoring applications in agriculture and forestry, as well as robotics for artistic applications. The laboratory hosts students of the bachelor’s and master’s degree courses in Mechanical, Electronic, Management and Computer Engineering, PhD students, research fellows and visiting students from abroad. Numerous robotic systems are available within the laboratory, such as industrial and collaborative manipulators, autonomous mobile robots, as well as sensors for data acquisition and analysis. The laboratory boasts numerous scientific research collaborations at national and international level, as well as with local companies to increase competitiveness and technology transfer.